Main Page
From Covid19
- a very effective but simple and no cost weapon in combating the coronavirus is in your hands at this very moment. this collaboration tool allows anyone in the world to get vital information about the covid-19 pandemic in his/her local community, organization, village/baranggay, city, province/state, country and the world all in one central location. each community, village/baranggay, city, province/state and country is responsible for creating and maintaining their own covid-19 information page (wiki page). this allows leaders at various levels to give timely updates or changes on statistics and quarantine orders and instructions to their constituents. this also allows leaders to monitor the latest news and status of other jurisdictions near them, below them or above them so they can make better decisions and collaborate with other leaders. the leaders can give instructions to their citizens on the best way to contact them for questions and concerns. this allows anyone to monitor or get up to date status of their hometown if they happen to be far away so they can make better decisions in helping their love ones.
- it only takes 15 minutes for an entry level web developer to learn the basic syntax of this powerful tool. it only takes 30 minutes to create it.
Contents |
[edit] for everyone
[edit] what you should do
- as soon as the first case in the world is discovered:
- never touch your face without washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds
- never go outside your house without wearing a HOME MADE mask (do not buy medical masks because this will take away supplies that will be needed by the medical personnel)
- follow the instructions of government and health officials
- as soon as the first case in your town or city is discovered:
- stay 6 feet away from other people
[edit] what you should know
[edit] world statistics
[edit] philippines and cebu
- this site is hierarchical so ideally cebu should be on the philippines page. but for now because cebu is the only one using this site, the root admin decided to make it easier to click on it's link.
[edit] links to covid-19 info of each country
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, CAR, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chad, Channel Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Curaça, Cyprus, Czechia, DRC, Denmark, Diamond Princess, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Faeroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, MS Zaandam, Macao, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Niger, North Macedonia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Réunio, S. Korea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sint Maarten, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, St. Barth, St. Vincent Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turks and Caicos, UAE, UK, USA, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe
[edit] answers to common questions about covid-19
[edit] latest news
- 3/31/20: the key to solving the crisis is testing testing testing and abbot labs just announced a new test for covid-19 that can produce results in as little as 5 minutes with much higher accuracy. the company is able to process 50 thousand tests per day and is working hard to double that capacity (
- 3/31/20: johnson and johnson announced they will be testing a covid-19 vaccine by september and could have up to 1 billion doses available in early 2021(
- 4/3/20: list of celebrities infected (
[edit] opinions
[edit] the importance of wearing masks
(opinion of ian crystal, philippines on march 31)
- there are studies that show 25-75% of people infected with covid-19 are asymptomatic or show no symptoms but can infect others (,,
- the incubation period is 1-14 days. during this period, the infected person shows no symptoms but can infect others
- when an infected person TALKS or EXHALES, droplets of saliva carrying the coronavirus lands on a surface where the coronavirus can live for many hours or days. if a person touches that surface then later on touches his/her his face, that person can be infected. most people have the habit of frequently touching their face. this means even if people don't go near each other, the coronavirus can still spread around and if the infected people show no symptoms, then by the time the first case is discovered, the virus has already spread all over the place
- therefore the risk of infecting other people can be greatly reduced if everyone wears a mask when they go out of their house (Dr.Jonas Sharma Sharing important information on Covid-19, Face Mask !!!,
- world health officials should recommended the wearing of homemade masks and issue guidelines on how to make a homemade mask
- the root admin humbly opines that all governments should make it a misdemeanor offense to go outside the house not wearing a homemade mask as soon as the first case in the world is discovered
[edit] covid-19 pandemic will surely end soon
(opinion of ian crystal, philippines on march 31)
the most important question people should be asking about or working on regarding covid-19 is TESTING - how long will it take to ramp up production? are home test strips possible? if yes, what is the time frame for it to be available to everyone? how much will it cost? etc ..
this covid-19 pandemic can be solved overnight if anyone can get a cheap self test kit or test strips in the pharmacy similar to a pregnancy test. of course a vaccine is better but experts already say it will take at least a year to develop. also scientists never came close to finding a cure for the common cold or flu even if it's been around for centuries so don't rest your hopes on a cure for covid-19.
4 years ago, bill gates gave a speech warning the world we are not prepared for the next outbreak (The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates. now). today, bill gates is saying covid-19 home test kits or test strips will make it easy to contain the virus. he thinks it will be available in 6 months. (How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic | Bill Gates).
even if test strips or self test kits are not feasible, ramping up production of test equipment is like a walk in the park compared to the mass production of guns and killing machines in world war 2. it will even be good for the economy if testing centers pop up all over the world like mcdonalds franchises. we simply have to get used to the new normal, just like in the airports after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. i think it's much harder to prevent a terrorist from getting on a flight than quickly isolating everyone infected as soon as the first case of covid-19 is reported.
[edit] tips
- tips to disinfect your groceries:
- PSA Grocery Shopping Tips in COVID-19
- note the doctor made a mistake when he touched the cereal bag. although it's probably ok because he only touched a very small portion. the proper way would have been the same way he unwrapped the bread
- after handling money, just wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds as soon as you get a chance and before touching your face
- tips to disinfect your house:
- mix 3 spoons of dish washing soap to 1 gallon water (more effective than bleach or alcohol).
- use a sponge to wipe the areas people touch frequently: door knobs, fridge door handles, toilet flush lever, faucet levers. do not rinse
- alcohol is recommended for anything electrical or electronic. if you don't have alcohol you can still use water and soap solution and a mixture of common sense to evaluate risk in getting electrocuted or damaging your cell phone or laptop. example with the laptop remove the battery and wipe the keyboard upside down and keep it upside down while you let it dry for an hour
- one of the big ways to fight covid-19 is to eat healthy and exercise.
- if you suffer from allergies that infect your sinus and throat, putting a half clove of raw garlic in your mouth like a lozenge as soon as the allergies start might help prevent a bacterial infection. note this will not cure covid-19 or kill the coronavirus. but raw garlic is very good for your health and could help your body fight the coronavirus (
- if you suffer from a weak immune system or have been taking antibiotics in the past, taking probiotics and prebiotics might help. search "ted talk microbiome" in youtube to be enlightened on the new scientific breakthroughs regarding human health and well being. note probiotics and prebiotics will not cure covid-19 or kill the coronavirus. but it is very good for your health and could help your body fight the coronavirus.
- tip from root admin: i frequently have to rub my nose and eyes because it gets itchy so i stacked 15 shirts and boxer shorts in each part of the house where i frequent (e.g. bedside, dining table, living room). i take the top most to scratch my face then fold it nicely and put it back at the bottom of the stack. in computer science this is called a LIFO (Last In First Out) stack. i think this is how nested procedures or function calls are implemented in assembly language. pass this around it might save someone's LIFO (haha get it?).
[edit] for government heads
- a very effective but simple and no cost weapon in combating the coronavirus is in your hands at this very moment. this collaboration tool allows anyone in the world to get vital information about the covid-19 pandemic in his/her local community, organization, village/baranggay, city, province/state, country and the world all in one central location. each community, village/baranggay, city, province/state and country is responsible for creating and maintaining their own covid-19 information page (wiki page). this allows leaders at various levels to give timely updates or changes on statistics and quarantine orders and instructions to their constituents. this also allows leaders to monitor the latest news and status of other jurisdictions near them, below them or above them so they can make better decisions and collaborate with other leaders. the leaders can give instructions to their citizens on the best way to contact them for questions and concerns. this allows anyone to monitor or get up to date status of their hometown if they happen to be far away so they can make better decisions in helping their love ones.
- each administrative head of government (e.g. president/prime minister, governor, mayor, village/baranggay captain) simply has to assign a "covid-19 wiki admin" or volunteer
- it only takes 15 minutes for an entry level web developer to learn the basic syntax of this powerful tool. it only takes 30 minutes to create it.
- this wiki is a very cheap, simple but powerful tool for the whole world to collaborate and fight this pandemic and future pandemics. it can also be used for other calamities or natural disasters.
- this wiki can take advantage of tools that automate the computation and publishing of statistical data.
- you can be proactive and start a covid-19 wiki page for your jurisdiction immediately and independently without waiting for your parent jurisdiction or other jurisdictions to be on board. you could be a trail blazer for other leaders of the world to follow .
- with all due respect, the root admin of this site humbly asserts that the citizens of the world will demand this and expect their leaders to implement this or something similar to this once they see this. people need easy and QUICK to find relevant and up to date information during a deadly pandemic. the root admin simply wants to help the world and wishes no credit or acknowledgement for this project or this idea.
- if this site or a site similar to this is not yet implemented, convince your country's ambassador to the united nations to propose this very simple project to the secretary general.
- if this site or a similar site is already implemented, inform your constituents to come to this site or the similar site for any covid-19 related info regarding their community/city/state/province/country or the world.
- root admin's strategy to deploy this weapon: message all facebook friends and groups (
[edit] for other leaders
- when appropriate a head of an organization (e.g. homeowner's association), government agency or private company can create their own wiki page for announcements and updates
- coordinate with the wiki admin of the jurisdiction you belong to so your wiki gets added
[edit] for covid-19 wiki admins
- ideally there only needs to be 1 account and password for all the covid-19 info wiki pages of the entire world. the wiki pages are organized in a tree like structure.
- request the login name and password from your parent admin
- for country admins: email the root admin please verify your identity by using the official email address of the office of your president/prime minister. this is to prevent pranksters and vandals from obtaining the password via phishing.
- create/maintain your wiki
- request your boss (president/prime-minister/governor/mayor) to require all adminstrative heads under his/her jurisdiction to assign a covid-19 wiki admin
- after all the wikis in your jurisdiction is ready, ask your boss to educate his constituents about this site (e.g. press conference)
- request the login name and password from your parent admin
- if you wish to ensure no mischievous vandal or prankster can edit your site, you can create your own account in or other wiki sites. you can even create a standard website instead of a wiki page.
- in
- the free account will have advertisements. you can remove the advertisements by paying $19 setup fee and paying $9.9 a month. you will need a paypal account to make a payment.
- after your wiki is ready, simply notify your parent admin so he/she can add your wiki to your parent wiki
- in
- recommended contents of your wiki:
- if your constituents are none english speaking, translate the "for everyone" section and put it at the beginning of your page but monitor any changes on the root page in case the world health officials changes their recommendations based on new data about the virus
- statistics (this will soon be automated once this project gains traction so there is no need to manually update that totals under your jurisdiction)
- statistical totals of your jurisdiction (number of cases, deaths, recoveries, etc ...)
- subtotals for each area under your jursidiction. example, the wiki of the United States will have the subtotals for each state.
- announcements
- simplified executive orders (e.g. quarantine orders) that can be understood by your average constituency - example:
- links to the official executive orders
- links to the wikis under your jurisdiction. example for philippines, links to the wikis of each province.
- links to the wikis of organizations under your jurisdiction (HOA, utilitity companies, etc ...)
- learning wiki syntax is very quick and easy. just cut and paste the code of your parent wiki then massage it to suite your needs.
- you only need to learn:
- == heading level 2 ==, === heading level 3 === ... up to ====== heading level 6 ======
- table of contents are automatically created
- * list item, ** sub list 1, *** sub list of sub list 1 ...
- to create a new page, example you are the admin for california and want to create a page for los angeles:
- add the following to the california page:
- [[los angeles]]
- save the california page
- click on the los angeles link to take you to the new los angeles page
- edit and save the new los angeles page
- add the following to the california page:
- == heading level 2 ==, === heading level 3 === ... up to ====== heading level 6 ======
- wiki syntax cheat sheet:
- you only need to learn: